Doomsday is always interesting to discuss because this is a futuristic event and when it will happen is still an enigma. Publishing books about the end of the day or eschatology continues to bloom along with the development of information, communication, and technology in the 21st century.
When observing the Indonesian wealth, it is known that information about things related to eschatology has belonged to this nation many years ago. Works containing this issue are packed in various articles that meet the criteria of literary works. Among many classical literary works containing eschatology issues, there are three works having good literary quality, representing the literary genre, and getting a lot of attention from the manuscript researcher. Those three manuscripts are Akhbar al-Akhirat fi Ahwal al-Qiyamah, Syair Kiamat, and Hikayat Kiamat.
These old literary works are examined with pragmatic approach to explain certain effects of the works on the readers. Based on the pragmatic approach to Akhbar al-Akhirat fi Ahwal al-Qiyamah, Syair Kiamat, and Hikayat Kiamat, there is a description that these old manuscripts with Doomsday theme save some lessons of the past thinking as the nation cultural roots. Among those thoughts relevant to the 21st century , which are full of global, capital, and liberal challenges, are (i) the need to believe in supernatural things, (ii) kindness is the future investment, (iii) everything is risky, and (iv) a good life is to live in harmony.
The comprehensive study on the old manuscripts may present self-endurance, mental and spiritual endurance, and present a sense of pride to today‘s generation of their national wealth.
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